Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Finding the Truth About Vaccines, Continued
Here is only a small taste of what shocked me and convinced me about vaccines needing serious overhaul.
Here is one of the most convincing articles by Dr. Blaylock. I read quite a bit of his work, unfortunately he provides a lot of information but doesn't give suggestions on what to do about it!
(Warning! It's long!)
Vaccines Cause SIDS
In 1985 Dr. Scheibner, a former principle research scientist for the government of Australia, and her husband electrochemical engineer Leif Karlsson invented the CotWatch breathing monitor for babies who are diagnosed "at risk" for SIDS, or "Cot Death" as it is known in Australia. Over the next three years, the couple monitored hundreds of babies and studied the event reports that their CotWatch produced. "By 1988 we knew that vaccines are killing babies," said Dr. Scheibner.
SIDS occurs among babies who have suffered a physical insult to their vulnerable bodies. Scheibner and Karlsson learned that the most common physical insult suffered by SIDS babies was routine vaccinations. Printouts from their monitor illuminated patterns that indicated critical days after vaccinations.
Once they had proven to themselves the causal link between vaccines and SIDS and had appropriately analyzed and documented their findings, Scheibner and Karlsson submitted their work to the medical community for peer review. Rather than attempt to duplicate their work or alter public health policy to protect infants, the majority of the medical community's members chose to protect the interests of vaccine manufacturers.
Study of Aluminum in Vaccines
Canadian neuroscientist Chris Shaw did not set out to shake confidence in vaccination, but what he and his team found when testing Aluminum Hydroxide, the form used most often in vaccines, really upset them."No one in my lab wants to get vaccinated," he said. "This totally creeped us out. We weren't out there to poke holes in vaccines. But all of a sudden, oh my God-we've got neuron death!"
In 2001 Bernard et. al. publish their hypothesis: Autism: A Novel Form of Mercury Poisoning. It reads in part: “Exposure to mercury can cause immune, sensory, neurological, motor, and behavioral dysfunctions similar to traits defining or associated with autism, and the similarities extend to neuroanatomy, neurotransmitters, and biochemistry. Thimerosal, a preservative added to many vaccines, has become a major source of mercury in children who, within their first two years, may have received a quantity of mercury that exceeds safety guidelines. A review of medical literature and US government data suggests that: (i) many cases of idiopathic autism are induced by early mercury exposure from thimerosal; (ii) this type of autism represents an unrecognized mercurial syndrome; and (iii) genetic and non-genetic factors establish a predisposition whereby thimerosal’s adverse effects occur only in some children.”
In 2005, angry parents write to ABC news, who erroneously reported thimerosal was removed from vaccines, here is one letter from "Adventures in Autism" blog that stunned me:
Dear ABC News,
I am the mom of a darling 7 year-old boy with mercury poisoning, also known as autism. While I appreciate the fact that your station has done some reporting on the autism crisis in our country, [snip] you reported that thimerosal was removed from vaccines in 1999. This is NOT true.There was never a recall on mercury-containing vaccines. Many are still on the shelves at doctor’s offices. Today’s flu vaccines are full of mercury, and they are being pushed on pregnant women and infants. [snip]Just last month, I had my older son at the doctor’s office for a checkup, and was told that he needed a tetanus booster shot. Since I already have one son with mercury poisoning, I requested a mercury-free version. The doctor assured me that they ONLY use mercury-free vaccines in her practice. However, when I checked the vial that the nurse brought in, it clearly said “Contains thimerosal”. The doctor got flustered and said to the nurse “You brought in the wrong vial. That’s the one we give to the Medicaid kids.” Then she turned to me and explained that the state won’t pay for mercury-free shots. (How’s that for a follow-up story: State-funded mercury poisoning of kids!) We left the office without receiving the tetanus shot, and will never return. [snip]
Sue Swanson
Alpharetta, GA
In 2008, a research study of DMSA chelation (drawing out metals/detoxing the body) was cancelled by the CDC. Here is what one doctor had to say about that:
Dr. Stoller called it "criminal" that kids with autism were not being
treated for toxicity by the medical community (this post was in
reference to the study to which you are referring).
Here is his post from Julie's Health Club (link above):
In 2006, I met with the Deputy Director of the CDC's Environmental
Health Lab, Jim Pirkle, MD, PhD. He was instrumental in getting lead
removed from gasoline. I met with him and his staff at the CDC in
Atlanta. The reason I met with him was to discuss my patients who had
high lead levels (not in their blood), but in their body tissues
which could only be measured by giving them a provocative agent, such
as DMSA.
These patients had been diagnosed with neuro-behavioral disorders and
were on medications. I should Dr. Pirkle and his staff how by using
DMSA and lowering the body's store of heavy metals these children
improved on neuro-cognitive testing. Dr. Pirkle felt this was an
important clinical development. His staff came to me after the
meeting to express their concern that it was not lead that had them
worried, but the vast amounts of mercury they were finding.
As a physician, I have to say that the foot-dragging about treating
children with impaired detoxification kinetics is criminal. The lack
of attention paid to this problem, the lack of funding, the lack of
support is due to another part of the CDC, the part of the CDC that
controls policy and receives the vast majority of funding - the
Infectious Disease division.
I do not know how this problem is going to get fixed until there is a
complete rebuild of the leadership at the CDC.
K Paul Stoller, MD
International Hyperbaric Med Assoc
Posted by: Kenneth Stoller, MD | Jul 10, 2008 7:53:25 AM
If you've gotten this far, you probably know that I could go on all day about this. The fact is, they are experimenting on us. When we sign the papers, they inject our children with vaccines containing all kinds of things and it is NOT KNOWN their disposition in the body and what those ingredients are doing to us!
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